well last friday night realy up for a nice chill out evening. so did not meet my mates straight after work. so I went straight to the bar.
so reaching oxford street at 5:11 pm with 50 mins to spair I was feeling like a fish out of water. thinking of how I can waist time till i had to meet my three friends, I see a girl jestering me to take my head phone out of my ears. she works for greenpease as I am in such a good mood (due to being v early). so we go through all of the enrolement process as it was somthing that I have been wanting to do for ages.......
while all of this is going on a woman is trying to park next to us. she mounts the curb. It was ruby wax looking very glam. very nice she took a card about green piece as " my son is into all this" as she said that they could not give out her address........