bears in the wood... kt & k sporting the latest in head ferret ware.....
The great fable of being early
well last friday night realy up for a nice chill out evening. so did not meet my mates straight after work. so I went straight to the bar.
so reaching oxford street at 5:11 pm with 50 mins to spair I was feeling like a fish out of water. thinking of how I can waist time till i had to meet my three friends, I see a girl jestering me to take my head phone out of my ears. she works for greenpease as I am in such a good mood (due to being v early). so we go through all of the enrolement process as it was somthing that I have been wanting to do for ages.......
while all of this is going on a woman is trying to park next to us. she mounts the curb. It was ruby wax looking very glam. very nice she took a card about green piece as " my son is into all this" as she said that they could not give out her address........
Google News
"WASHINGTON Vice President Dick Cheney's former top aide pleaded not guilty Thursday to five criminal charges of lying to or impeding investigators in the case of the leaked identity of a covert CIA agent whose husband was a prominent critic of the Iraq war"
well looks like bush is having problems again.. Well lets see how long it lasts.
cool just a start
this is a blog covering all of the stuff that I think is cool.
I talk a lot. so I hope that this blog in my chance to get stuff of my chest and try and explain how I see the world. throught this even meet some new freinds. (this is feeling good already) look out for some dinky pics from my camera phone. I have a habit of just login my days antics via photos....
at the mo I have loads of time on my hands, my web conection is one of my biggest expences... so i am making the most of it I am learning about pod casting and NOW blogging... having had a mad time with bittorents over the last year. This will be a chance for me to document this time in my life.....